In Home Care
In Home Care is a type of education and care for families that are unable to access family day care, out of school hours or centre based day care because of their family’s specific needs. In Home Care provides an educator to care for children in the children’s own home for families.

Are you eligible for In Home Care?
It is the role of the In Home Care Support Agency to advocate on behalf on your family. If you are eligible for In Home Care, we will be the conduit between your family and the Service Provider to ensure the needs of your family are met.
Not sure if you are eligible? Families must meet the following criteria:
- Children of individuals eligible for Child Care Subsidy
- Families must demonstrate that other childcare options are not available or are suitable, and must also meet at least one of the following criteria:
- The family is geographically isolated from other types of approved child care, particularly in rural or remote locations
- The parents or carers are working non-standard or variable hours, outside normal child care service hours.
- The family has challenging or complex needs.
Challenging or complex needs mean:
- a child with additional needs or a disability whose early childhood education and care requirements cannot be catered for in another approved child care setting, or through other government funded or community-based services
- a family where a parent is undergoing treatment for a serious illness
- other complex family situations that prevent families from accessing other approved childcare types.
If you would like to speak with the IHC Support Agency contact us. If you would like to start the application process, fill in the IHC eligibility application form and send the application and all support documentation to info@ihcsupportagency.org.au .
For more information about the eligibility process for In Home Care please visit the Department of Education In Home Care page.
Resources for families
Information for families
Child health and development https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/childdevelopment
Raising Children Network https://raisingchildren.net.au/
Health Direct https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/kids-health
Resources for families during COVID-19
Talking to children during COVID-19
Talking to children about physical distancing
Covid-19 Resources for Parents
A 'Where to' Guide for parents about Covid-19
ABC Kids resources for lockdown
Children's book: We're going to a Covid-19 testing clinic
The importance of routines
Our In Home Care Support Agency supports families and services in NSW and South Australia.
To contact In Home Care Support Agencies for the other states and territories please click here.
This is a list of the In Home Care service providers in NSW and South Australia:
Annie Sargood
Sue Parker
Contact details
0429 825 851
Ailsa Carr & Dianne Mitchell
Tamara Fitzsimmons
Contact details
02 6836 1156

Kathi Preston
Contact details
02 6562 6387
Home-based Childcare Services | Kempsey, NSW | KFDC (kempseychildcare.com)
Steven Lin
Leanne Farmer
Charlotte Lynch
Andrea Manzo-Dong
Louise Dunham, Sianan Tierney, Rachelle Teycheney
Trudy Statham
0402 193 862
South Australia
Emma Kingate

Annie Sargood
In Home Care Team
Deanne Hughes
Guide to Additional Child Care Subsidy (child wellbeing)
Privacy Collection Statement
Privacy and Confidentiality Procedure
Privacy Notice for Families
Feedback and complaints
More information on how to provide feedback or lodge a complaint can be found here.

The In Home Care Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education.

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we sit, The Wangal and Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.
We acknowledge their ongoing connection to land, sea, sky and waterways and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
We acknowledge the First Nations People have been caring and educating the children of this land for tens of thousands of years