Become an educator
If you would like to become an In Home Care educator, contact a registered provider to get started. Visit our Find a Service page to find one in your local area.
A service will match you with a family and conduct an environmental assessment to ensure it is suitable for an educator to work in. Most services can also supply resources, or checklists of possible resources, to families for them to provide adequate support for the education and care of the children in the home.

What makes a great In Home Care educator?
In addition to necessary requirements, a great In Home Care educator is someone who:
- is willing to engage in the principles of practices outlined in the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
- is willing to undertake ongoing professional development
- is able to engage children in the wonder of learning, growing their disposition for lifelong learning by creating inquiring minds
- is willing to plan for and assess children’s ongoing learning
- is energised by being with children
- has a genuine desire to be engaged in the lives of young children and their families
- can create a nurturing, safe and educational environment for children
- can provide a healthy and hygienic environment and model healthy practices with children
- interacts with children in a warm and friendly way and engages them in interesting experiences
- has the skills and the knowledge of strategies to promote and support positive behaviour in children
- values forming partnerships with parents
- is excited about learning more about early childhood related issues and trends
- is understanding of the feelings of children and parents in the separation process and is willing to assist children to settle into care
- has well-developed and effective communication skills with adults and children
- values diversity and has respect for every family’s culture and child rearing practices
Community of practice
To support educators, In Home Care Support Agency will create a community of practice. This will assist you in your practice as an educator, learn from the experience of other educators and provide access to training opportunities tailored to the In Home Care sector. The community of practice may include:
- online workshops
- regular newsletters
- a Facebook group for educators